Moving to Raleigh to work for Infusion

The time has come for me to pack my bags and move south. I’ve been in Pittsburgh, PA since I graduated from Edinboro University in 2003, and even a few years before college. Living and working in the burgh, I’ve gained a lot of experience and had the pleasure working with many really talented people. But, alas, the weather has finally gotten to my wife and me. Plus, my son is starting 2nd grade in the fall! and I fear that if we don’t move soon, we’ll never leave.

I was offered an Interactive Developer role with a big New York company called Infusion. Infusion is opening an office in Raleigh, NC and I’ll be part of the many new hires for that team.

It saddens me to leave my current role with Moxie and move out of the city I’ve grown to love (and hate sometimes), but this is a great opportunity and I have to give it a try. Raleigh is a really pretty city and the area is booming with a lot of tech jobs, so we’ll see how it goes… and hey, you can always move back, right?