Ruby Script to execute Google Closure Compiler to compress your JavaScript
I’ve been using Google’s Closure Compiler to compress all the custom JavaScript I’ve been writing in my projects at work for some time now. Recently, I created a small wrapper script in ruby that will collect all the scripts in a folder and write them into one compressed application.min.js file.
With the script below, just set the #config params and point it at your JavaScript source folder. If you create a file called application.js in your source folder, it will be the first file that is written in the final file.
puts 'Google Closure Compiler';
puts 'Concatenate and minify all JavaScript in src directory';
# config
closure = 'C:/closure-compiler/compiler.jar'
src_dir = '../assets/js/src'
src_dest = '../assets/js/application.min.js'
# load all files from src_dir
files_arr = Dir.glob(File.join(src_dir, "*.js"));
# apply sort order so application is first
files_arr.sort! do |file_a, file_b|
if File.basename(file_a) == "application.js" then
# compile all application src code
cmd = "java -jar #{closure} --js " + files_arr.join(" ") + " --js_output_file #{src_dest}"
puts "running: #{cmd}"
Along with this script, here is a version for all the vendor scripts in your project. Point this at your ‘vendor’ or ‘libs’ folder and it will compress and create a *.min.js file for each script in that folder.
puts 'Google Closure Compiler';
puts 'Minifying all vendor src code';
# config
closure = 'C:/closure-compiler/compiler.jar'
src_dir = '../assets/js/vendor'
src_dest = '../assets/js/vendor'
# compile all vendor src code
Dir.glob(File.join(src_dir, "*.js")).each do |f|
unless f.include? '.min.js'
name = File.basename f
new_name = name.gsub(/.js/, '.min.js');
cmd = "java -jar #{closure} --js #{src_dir}/#{name} --js_output_file #{src_dest}/#{new_name}"
puts "running: #{cmd}"