Combining PHP html templates with associative array models
I’ve been using Codeigniter for the past 2 years now and I really like it. It might just be the MVC (like) pattern, but it’s got a lot of nice built in classes that make building website in PHP a lot quicker, easier and cleaner. So, with my recent exposure to Wordpress, I came to a spot where I was mixing a lot of html with php code, which is something I really hate doing.
Thinking of how, with Codeigniter (and other frameworks), you can combine a *.php template with a data array (or a view model) and render a page I was curious. How does Codeigniter load a php page into a scope with the variables from the supplied data array and spit out the resulting page? After doing a bit of digging I found this nifty function that I ported to my Wordpress theme and now my code looks much cleaner.
function load_template($filename, $data=array())
$filename = '/inc/templates/' . $filename . '.php';
if (is_file($filename))
include( $filename );
$buffer = ob_get_contents();
return $buffer;
return false;
Now with this function you can write a template like…
<div class="card">
<div class="photo">
<?php if( ! empty($image) ) : ?>
<img src="<?= $image; ?>" alt="<?= $name; ?>" />
<?php else : ?>
<img src="/img/missing-user-image.jpg" alt="<?= $name; ?>" />
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="detail">
<h4><?= $name; ?></h4>
<h5><?= $title; ?></h5>
<?php if( ! empty($email) ) : ?>
<a class="email" href="mailto:<?= strtolower($email); ?>">Email</a>
<?php endif; ?>
… and populate it with an associative array:
$model = array(
'name' => 'Jason',
'title' => 'Web Developer',
'email' => '',
'image' => 'path/to/profile/image.jpg'
return load_template('biocard', $model);