SVG Animation With Clip Paths and Linear Gradients

One of our clients decided to update their logo from a circle to more of a heart. Currently, on the about us page of their website, they have a large version of their logo that spins slowly and when you rollover (or swipe/tap) each color in the logo information appears describing their products. One of our designers and I, sat down to discuss what we could do with a heart shaped logo because having it spin looked weird. We finally came up with a subtle shine effect on the colors, which at first, I thought would be easy since I’ve done it before with flash. I came to find out that there was a little more to it then I originally thought.

I decided to try the animation with SVG. After reading up on SVG graphics and animations, came up with the following which turned out great:

Now, if you can see the animation (more on that in a sec), what is happening is that I have 3 wide <rect /> tags each with a <linearGradient /> set as there fill. Each rectangle has an <animation /> tag that slowly animates it from left to right and then repeats. I also have 3 <clipPaths /> tags that each contain a <path /> tag whose “d” attribute is a bunch of draw commands I exported from illustrator. This is one of my first times working with SVG graphics and I really enjoyed it. I can’t wait until it is more widely supported because it reminds me of Flex and MXML. That last sentence about it being more widely supported is where I am now. I have a backup image setup as a fallback for users whose browsers don’t support SVG, ClipPath, and SMIL animations, but the account managers are a little concerned that the client is going to be upset since we made a big deal about this.

So, today I’m going to revisit one of the ideas of using the canvas to draw this animation. It’s a bit more supported right now, but before, I was having trouble getting the vector drawing correct since each part of the logo is an irregular shape. I’m thinking either using EaselJS (since I’ve used it before) or maybe FabricJS (since I think it might be more popular).

Here ia the raw html code for the above image:

<svg width="486" height="446" viewBox="0 0 486 446" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
        <linearGradient id="gradGold" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="0%">
          <stop offset="30%" style="stop-color:#FFC423; stop-opacity:1" />
          <stop offset="50%" style="stop-color:#ffe191; stop-opacity:1" />
          <stop offset="70%" style="stop-color:#FFC423; stop-opacity:1" />
        <linearGradient id="gradGreen" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="0%">
          <stop offset="30%" style="stop-color:#6EB43F; stop-opacity:1" />
          <stop offset="50%" style="stop-color:#b6d99f; stop-opacity:1" />
          <stop offset="70%" style="stop-color:#6EB43F; stop-opacity:1" />
        <linearGradient id="gradBlue" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="0%">
          <stop offset="30%" style="stop-color:#0083C8; stop-opacity:1" />
          <stop offset="50%" style="stop-color:#7fc1e3; stop-opacity:1"/>
          <stop offset="60%" style="stop-color:#0083C8; stop-opacity:1" />
        <clipPath id="stripGold">
            <path id="gold" d="M446.57,41.168C423.02,17.616,391.671,4.649,358.286,4.649c-48.132,0-92.324,26.575-109.165,65.029
        <clipPath id="stripGreen">
            <path id="green" d="M72.603,317.736C71.87,316.727,74.997,320.537,72.603,317.736c-9.437-11.037-34.769-36.559-46.616-59.583
        <clipPath id="stripBlue">
            <path id="blue" d="M239.213,444.16c-20.272,0-34.196-9.124-51.833-20.675c-3.391-2.22-6.932-4.544-10.712-6.925

    <rect x="-486" y="0" width="972" height="400" clip-path="url(#stripGold)" fill="url(#gradGold)">
        <animate attributeName="x" attributeType="XML" from="-486" to="243" begin="2s" dur="8s" calcMode="paced" repeatCount="indefinite" />

    <rect x="-650" y="0" width="972" height="400" clip-path="url(#stripGreen)" fill="url(#gradGreen)">
        <animate attributeName="x" attributeType="XML" from="-650" to="0" dur="8s" begin="0s" calcMode="paced" repeatCount="indefinite" />
    <rect x="-540" y="100" width="972" height="400" clip-path="url(#stripBlue)" fill="url(#gradBlue)">
        <animate id="animaRectBlue" attributeName="x" attributeType="XML" from="-540" to="50" begin="1s" dur="8s" calcMode="paced" repeatCount="indefinite" />